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Seeing Double With Jasper Johns

On a recent Saturday morning, I arrived at the stone house in Sharon, Conn., and found Jasper Johns outside on the lawn, tending to a massive oak …

Seeing Double With Jasper Johns

On a recent Saturday morning, I arrived at the stone house in Sharon, Conn., and found Jasper Johns outside on the lawn, tending to a massive oak tree. An infestation of gypsy moths was visible on the trunk; gauzy deposits of tiny eggs were imperiling the tree’s health. Johns, who was dressed neatly in khaki pants, a turquoise linen shirt and a pair of heavy yellow gloves, was using his hands to scrape the eggs off the bark. The moths’ gray wings fluttered wildly as they tumbled to the ground.

In a summer when so much of the world was still reeling from Covid-19, it was heartening to think that at least a towering oak might be saved. I had started writing a biography of the artist a few years earlier, and was aware of his love of trees and plants, which probably bring him more satisfaction than social interactions do. He is something of a solitary creature, a man who is eloquent in his silences and prefers to skip his own openings.

Two new ones are coming up. On Sept. 29, “Jasper Johns: Mind/Mirror,” the largest-ever exhibition devoted to his work, will open simultaneously at the Whitney Museum of American Art in Manhattan and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Planned to celebrate Johns’s 90th birthday, the show was postponed a year to await the end of the Covid lockdown. In the interim, the two curators developed differing ideas about the show and sometimes clashed. Johns turned 91 and kept making art, maintaining an Olympian detachment from the preparations.

Asked about the show, Johns said only, “I don’t want to be quoted. These are not my ideas. The show is not my idea.”

Scott Rothkopf, left, chief curator at the Whitney Museum, wants to reintroduce Jasper Johns for new audiences, while Carlos Basualdo, senior curator of contemporary art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, wants to highlight the shifting and unstable meanings of Johns’s work.Credit…Photographs by Erik Tanner for The New York Times

Some might question the necessity of honoring America’s most famous living artist in a mega-show spanning the Northeast Corridor, to use an Amtrak term. It comes after acclaimed exhibitions at London’s Royal Academy (2017), the Broad Museum in Los Angeles (2018), and the Matthew Marks Gallery in Manhattan (2019).

But “Mind/Mirror” stands to offer a revelatory approach to Johns’s work by virtue of its two-venue structure, which is not just a vehicle for more-is-more, Barnum-like showmanship. The shows were cleverly designed as mirror versions of each other, and as such go to the heart of Johns’s work, which abounds with doubles and doppelgängers.

Johns is best known as the radical figure whose paintings of flags and targets hastened the end of Abstract Expressionism in the ’50s and helped hatch Pop Art in the ’60s. Yet the dramatic and much-told story of his influence on other artists has in some ways overshadowed his work, which is about patience, process and interiority, about constructing and expanding a visual language over six decades. And its essence lies in his use of doubles: twinned images that resemble each other but are not identical.

“Two Flags” (1962), for instance, is a radiant, eight-foot-tall painting of two American flags stacked vertically. It requires you to become a close observer of minute variations and ponder the conundrum of how-are-these-two-images-different? (Hint: study the brush strokes.)

“Two Flags” (1962) by Jasper Johns was one of his many works highlighting symbols — targets, maps — that challenged Abstract Expressionism.Credit…Jasper Johns/VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Jasper Johns, “Painted Bronze,” 1960 (cast and painted in 1964). In the sculpture — one of the artist’s famed double images — the two cans of Ballantine ale look interchangeable. But the can at right has a pierced top; it’s hollow. The other can is solid bronze.Credit…Jasper Johns/VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

At first glance, the two cans of Ballantine ale that stand side by side in Johns’s well-known sculpture “Painted Bronze” (1960)— which was just acquired by the Whitney — look anonymous and interchangeable. But in fact they’re opposites. The can on the right has a pierced top; two triangular cuts have been left by a beer-can opener. If you lifted that can, you would know it’s hollow while the other can is solid bronze. That tension sets up an entrancing dissonance and, perhaps, an implied drama between the choice of whether to drink or to abstain.

Art historians tend to view Johns’s penchant for repeating forms as a philosophical inquiry, a refusal to settle on one fixed message. A more personal reading might assert that his double imagery is the expression of a man divided against himself. His childhood in small-town Allendale, S.C., was a painful one in which he was abandoned by his parents. It left him with a resistance to intimate connection, and it is telling, perhaps, that he has chosen to live by himself since he was in his 30s. His art suggests a longing for wholeness undercut by a distrust that casts doubt on that possibility.

A High-Concept Affair

The idea of mounting a Johns show in two reflecting halves was conceived by Carlos Basualdo, the senior curator of contemporary art at the Philadelphia Museum. “There will be a lot of echoes and resonances between the two shows,” he said recently. “Actually, it’s completely one show.”

Basualdo is a tall, thin, bespectacled man of 57 with a gracious manner. Born and educated in Rosario, Argentina, he was known as a poet before he became an art historian. When we met at the museum’s espresso bar, he arrived on a bicycle, wearing a navy baseball cap and a denim blazer.

“As a curator, you have to try to get into the artist’s head,” he said, “but not to look for the ultimate meaning. I don’t believe there is one.”

Indeed, a key difference between the two shows is that Basualdo will emphasize the unsteady, ever-shifting meaning of Johns’s work, while the Whitney half is more likely to have a step-this-way clarity. For example, the Whitney plans to open its show with a chronological timeline of three dozen prints; Philadelphia, by contrast, will mix and mingle 34 prints in a randomized installation based on a composition by John Cage, who championed chance operations and was an early Johns supporter.

The American composer Morton Feldman (left) and artist Jasper Johns at a 1960 exhibition of Johns’s work at the Castelli Gallery; the show will be recreated at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.Credit…Getty Images

Each museum will divide its exhibition space into a core of 10 galleries. Each will recreate one of Johns’s early one-man shows at the Castelli Gallery (1960 in Philadelphia, 1968 at the Whitney). So too each will highlight a geographical place that shaped him: The Whitney will focus on South Carolina, where Johns grew up, the son of generations of Scotch-Irish farmers stretching back to the American Revolution. Philadelphia will concentrate on Japan, where Johns was stationed as a soldier in the Korean War, and whose layered and ritualized culture offered him an escape from Western perspectives.

Basualdo mentioned that he was reading Diana Eck’s “India: A Sacred Geography,” which has led him to think about art sojourns. “We have forgotten about that in the West,” he said. “I hope these two shows can become pilgrimage sites for people who love art, so that the trip itself is part of the experience.”

That idea sounded agreeable, but I soon learned that he and Scott Rothkopf, the chief curator of the Whitney and co-organizer of the Johns show, disagreed on its basic premise. Rothkopf is atrim man of 45 who grew up in Dallas and earned a master’s degree from Harvard. We met recently in the conference room of the Whitney.

“Most viewers will only see the show in one of two places,” he declared at the outset, adding that he had felt that way even before Covid-19 curtailed travel.

Then he talked about numbers. “The scale is tremendous,” he noted, tallying the square footage of the two museums for me. “The show is 19,000 square feet at the Whitney. Philadelphia is not quite as big.” He added that the combined number of works, which includes paintings, drawings and prints, exceeds 500 and that the Whitney has more than Philadelphia “if you count an additional 50 items of ephemera.”

What about the “Mind/Mirror” duality posited by the show’s title and bifurcated structure? “In the end,” Rothkopf said matter of factly, “that wasn’t to be the theme of the show.”

What is that theme? “For me, it was very important to make Jasper’s work feel alive,” he said. “Older people may admire him and take for granted that he is among the greatest living artists, but I don’t think that’s necessarily true for younger viewers at the Whitney.”

The catalog for the show openly courts new audiences. In lieu of a familiar lineup of art historians, the contributors represent a mix of voices, some flattering, some decidedly not. For instance, Ralph Lemon, a choreographer who is Black, views Johns’s work through the eyes of his mother — another South Carolina native — and concludes that it fails to reflect her experience of the Jim Crow South. Johns, according to Lemon, was “afforded the emphatic advantages of southern white primacy and Black segregation,” but his art remains blind to that privilege.

One could argue, to the contrary, that the profusion of double imagery in Johns’s work represents an act of social empathy, an identification with the Other. Tellingly, the cover of the exhibition catalog is embossed with a white stick figure wielding a paintbrush. The back is embossed with a black stick figure. “That was Jasper’s idea,” Rothkopf said, “and his only contribution to the design of the book.”

When I left the Whitney and walked along the sun-baked sidewalks of Gansevoort Street, I thought to myself that the two curators were themselves a kind of Johnsian double: alike but different. One was competitive and expedient. The other was poetic and filled with visions of pilgrimages.

Perhaps it was just that they embodied the aims of their respective institutions. The Whitney, founded by the heiress-sculptor Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney to concentrate on living artists, is known for its Biennials and all-around brashness. Philadelphia, by contrast, spans centuries and continents, inviting you to dream your way back into the vanished past.

Assembling the show had not been easy, and the tension between the two curators at times was fanned by the willful behavior of lenders. I had heard an unsettling story about “Good Time Charley” (1961), an elegiac, ash-gray painting that is considered an early masterwork, and has been on loan since 1997 to the Philadelphia Museum.

Problems arose when the painting’s owner, Mark Lancaster, a British-born artist and former assistant to Johns, made a request. He and his husband, David Bolger, according to their account, wanted the painting moved to the Whitney for “Mind/Mirror,” hoping to augment its visibility. Basualdo was firm: he wanted the painting for Philadelphia; the museum had paid to insure it for more than 20 years. The couple told him by email that they’d rather see “Good Time Charley” hung “in the bathroom at the Whitney” than in the galleries of the Philadelphia Museum. Then they asked that the painting be returned to them.

The title of Johns’s 1961 “Good Time Charley” hints at a sybarite who likes to drink and party. It has been associated with the end of his relationship with Robert Rauschenberg.Credit…Jasper Johns/VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; via The Art Institute of Chicago

In October 2019, the painting arrived at their apartment in Miami Beach, where it languished in its crate in their kitchen. After a delay of several months, Rothkopf surprised and delighted the collectors by accepting the painting for the Whitney show. (Lancaster has since died, at age 82.)

“The painting made a great complement to other works from 1961 that have been associated with Johns’s breakup with Rauschenberg,” Rothkopf said, referring to Robert Rauschenberg, the brilliant and irreverent artist who elevated old fabric, newspaper funnies and other detritus into so-called Combines, a label that was coined by Johns when they were lovers in the ’50s.

Asked about the brouhaha, Basualdo said, carefully, “I think Scott is truly an excellent curator. He maximizes the benefits for his institution, and I applaud him for that.”

It will be nice, finally, to have “Good Time Charley” in Manhattan, at least until the show closes on Feb. 13. The painting is singular in Johns’s oeuvre, in part because its title hints at a narrative, one about a sybarite who likes to drink and party. A metal cup affixed to the painting’s surface is overturned and toppling off, evoking spillage and waste.

There’s a wooden ruler too, angled like a clock hand against a semicircular area of paint. I once asked Johns why the ruler was in the 7 o’clock position. “I think it suggests the end of a period of time,” he replied. “It is at an end. It can’t go any further.”

Why not, I asked. “Because the cup is stopping it,” he said.

It seemed breathtakingly logical. The cup was blocking the path of the ruler, signifying that time was up. Johns painted it in the fall of 1961, a season of melancholy endings. Rauschenberg, who lived one flight below him at 128 Front Street, took up with someone new and moved out.

The painting suggests loss in formal terms as well. The ruler is made to look like a scraping device that has removed pigment from the canvas. You might think of painting as a process of additions. But in Johns’s case, it is also a sum of subtractions.

Vying To Be The Showplace

The Whitney may promise larger audiences, but the Philadelphia Museum has its own enviable advantages. Johns was a relatively unknown artist of 27 when he first made the trek to Philadelphia to see its deep holdings of work by Marcel Duchamp, the elusive Dadaist who spurned painting as passé and claimed to have given up art for chess. Philadelphia is home to his “Large Glass,” a nine-foot-tall, visibly cracked, uncategorizable masterpiece whose motifs later surfaced in Johns’s work. Duchamp’s early “Bottle Rack” (1914), an inexpensive kitchen accessory that he alchemized into art by exhibiting it under his own name, perhaps encouraged Johns in his own inclusion of quotidian objects.

Philadelphia also has strong holdings of Paul Cézanne, who was born in France a half-century before Duchamp, and who epitomizes much that Duchamp rejected. Cézanne’s chunky bathers and vibrating pine trees attest to slow, careful looking. “So much of what’s recorded in his painting is what’s seen when the eyes shift position,” Johns told me, and he shares with Cézanne an interest in visual instability as exemplified by his use of doubles.

“After Cézanne” will be on display at the Whitney. The ink drawing, a double image, is based on a detail from Cézanne’s “Large Bathers.”Credit…Jasper Johns/VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; via The Art Institute of Chicago

In the ’70s, at the request of Anne d’Harnoncourt, then Philadelphia’s director, Johns lent the museum some prized early sculptures from his personal holdings — the famous ale cans among them. They fit in well with Philadelphia’s collection, evoking at once Duchamp’s devotion to the found object and Cézanne’s obsession with process. Eventually, the museum was able to start a permanent Johns gallery, the only one of its kind.

It was a sad day in Philadelphia this year when the beloved sculpture of the ale cans departed for the Whitney, sold by Johns. Leonard A. Lauder, the Whitney’s chairman emeritus, made the purchase.

“I love Jasper,” Lauder, who’s now 88, told me. “I think he’s difficult to know, but he’s solid. I wanted to make the Whitney the place for Jasper Johns.” As early as 1980, he orchestrated the purchase of “Three Flags” (1958), a mesmerizing painting in which three successively smaller panels jut toward the viewer with a full-frontal energy.

Lauder mentioned that he had once dreamed of starting a permanent Johns gallery at the Whitney but it was not to happen. He showed me a letter from 1994, in which Johns wrote, with his usual politeness (“I hope my declining it will not make me seem ungrateful”) that he felt reluctant to commit too much work to one museum.

Not one to be dissuaded, Lauder went on to acquire many key works by Johns for the Whitney, including a spectacular suite of 17 Savarin monotypes, one-of-a-kind, large-scale images that will occupy their own gallery in the upcoming show. The image of an old coffee can, repurposed to contain a dozen-plus paint brushes, is one of the artist’s crowning motifs. It first appeared as a witty, life-size tabletop sculpture, “Painted Bronze” (1960), which viewers sometimes confused with an actual coffee can despite the informational title.

In the Whitney’s monotypes, from 1982, the can rests on an ambiguous surface that keeps changing (a ledge? a shelf? a coffin?) and has a newly vibrant personality. From one work to the next, light intensifies and fades; hatch marks become handprints; the kindergarten clarity of primary colors yields to the mixed sensuality of high-keyed purples, oranges and greens.

Jasper Johns made a series of monotypes — one-of-a-kind prints — of “Savarin,” from 1982. Here are four of the 17 featured in the Whitney show.Credit…Jasper Johns and ULAE/VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Published by Universal Limited Art Editions; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Credit…Jasper Johns and ULAE/VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Published by Universal Limited Art Editions; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Credit…Jasper Johns and ULAE/VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Published by Universal Limited Art Editions; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Credit…Jasper Johns and ULAE/VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Published by Universal Limited Art Editions; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

It is easy to love these Savarin works, and I sometimes wondered if they were related to a stirring detail Johns once mentioned when we were talking about his childhood.

In May 1939, just a week before the artist’s ninth birthday, his grandfather, W.I. Johns, a well-off farmer with whom he lived, died of a heart attack. In recalling the funeral, a graveside service, Johns mainly remembered the flowers. “I remember the violets in a tin can at the head of his grave,” he said. They had been brought to the funeral by one of the Black farmhands who worked for his grandfather. The violets struck him as so much more alive than the bouquets around it, which had been prepared by a florist.

A can of wild violets glimpsed by an 8-year-old boy in rural South Carolina. A sculpture of a coffee tin stocked with paintbrushes created by a 30-year-old artist living in Manhattan. Did the violets indirectly inspire the sculpture of the Savarin can? Perhaps.

Or perhaps not. The scenes from childhood forever floating around in our heads echo in the present in unknowable ways. The past and the present are themselves a Johnsian double. Alike but totally different.

Deborah Solomon is an art critic and biographer.


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HoneyAmarula LikörChivas Regal Viskidikmen escortdemetevler escortpolatlı escorteskort ankarafree shop purokeçiören escortescort bayangölbaşı escorthaymana escortmamak escortemek escortankara escortetlik escortçankaya escortGENTLEMAN JACKulus escortsincan escortAbsnithe Yeşil Perieryaman escortkızılay escortMarlboro Gold TouchLucky Strike MixMarlboro TouchDjarum BlackDjarum VanillaParliament Aqua BlueMarlboro Double Fusion Summer KarpuzCaptain Black Dark CremaKent MentollüMarlboro Touch Aquafree shopMarlboro Double FusionEsse BlackMarlboro Touch GrayDuty Free ShopKent Mix Aroma SigaraWinston SlenderCamel WhiteWinston Dark BlueCamel BrownKent SwitchRothmans SigaraPall Mall Switch MentollüDuty Free ShopMarlboro RED KırmızıParliament Aqua BlueCaptain Black sigaraParliament Night BlueKent SwitchPall Mall Switch MentollüWinston Classic RedWinston SlenderKent NanoKent SwitchWinston LightMarvel Compact Party MixKent Mix Aroma SigaraColts Red Deluxe Vişne SigaraKent Mentollü ÜrünlerimizMarlboro Gold TouchDjarum BlackLucky Strike MixCaptain Black Darm CremaMini MoodsMore Sigara KırmızıDavidoff Sigaracaptain black sigaramarlboro shufflemarmaris escortcanli bahis oynagaziantep escortmersin escortsohbet numaralarıdeneme bonusu veren bahis siteleribedava bonus veren bahis sitelerisohbet hattıadana escortadana escortadana escortkayseri escortdeneme bonusugaziantep escortsohbet numaralarıtyrone unblocked gamesantalya escortsakarya escortizmir escortşişli escort bayanşişli bayan escortmecidiyeköy escortşişli escortistanbul escortAdall Otomasyonbft türkiyeepoksi zemin kaplamamedilab aestheticmedilabbridge istanbulhasta yataklarıhasta yatağımini shellcgi telnetzonguldak escortyozgat escortyalova escortvan escortuşak escorttunceli escorttokat escortşırnak escortsinop escortsiirt escortrize escortosmaniye escortniğde escortnevşehir escortmuş escortkütahya escortkırşehir escortkırklareli escortkastamonu escortkilis escortkars escortkırıkkale escortkaraman escortkarabük escortizmit escortistanbul escortısparta escortığdır escorthakkari escortgiresun escorterzincan escortedirne escortgebze escortgümüşhane escortelazığ escortdüzce escortçorum escortçankırı escortburdur escortbolu escortçanakkale escortbilecik escortbitlis escortbayburt escortbatman escortbingöl escortbartın escortartvin escortardahan escortantalya escortamasya escortaksaray escortağrı escortafyon escortadıyaman escortsivas escortyalova escortdüzce escortkarabük escortbatman escortaksaray escortvan escorturfa escorttrabzon escortdiyarbakır escorttekirdağ escortsamsun escortsakarya escortordu escortniğde escortnevşehir escortmuğla escortmardin escortmaraş escortmanisa escortmalatya escortkütahya escortkonya escortizmit escortgebze escortkocaeli escortkayseri escortısparta escortçorum escorthatay escortadana escortantalya escortafyon escortantep escorteskişehir escorterzurum escortedirne escortdenizli escortbursa escortçanakkale escortbalıkesir escortaydın escortgörükle escortnilüfer escortantalya escortsakarya escortizmir escortAn0n 3xPloiTeRBase 64 EncodeIndoSec Shellmarlboro touch aquacaptain black puroankara escortAnkara rus escortankara escortankara escort bayanSincan escortankara escortEscort ankaraAnkara escort kızlarSincan escort bayanEscort sincanEryaman escortEryaman escort bayanEscort eryamanKeçiören EscortKeçiören escort bayanEtlik escortEtlik escort bayanÇankaya escortÇankaya escort bayanKızılay escortKızılay escort bayanantalya escortantalya escort bayanEscort antalyaantalya escortantalya escort bayanEscort antalyaankara escortankara escort bayanEscort ankaramucize kremsakal serumuegzama şampuanıseboreik dermatit şampuanegzama için şampuankeratin serumpriligy 60 mg fiyatıdapoksetin fiyatıpriligy 30 mg fiyatıpriligy fiyatyapay kızlık zarıtitan jeldelay spreytitan jelgeciktirici hapcialis fiyatcialis 100 mgviagra fiyatıpenis büyütücü kremhacklink satışeczanelerde satılan sertleştiricilerAtaşehir escortŞerifali escortÜmraniye escortGöztepe escortAnadolu yakası escortAtaşehir escortKadıköy escortBostancı escortKadıköy escortÜmraniye escortBostancı escortAnadolu yakası escortAtaşehir escortKüçükyalı escortİçerenköy escortAnadolu Yakası escortAtaşehir escortAtaşehir escortKadıköy escortBostancı escortKozyatağı escortAcıbadem escortÜmraniye escortataşehir escortkadıköy escortbostancı escortümraniye escortkartal escortmaltepe escortpendik escortkurtköy escortanadolu yakası escortataşehir escort bayanbostancı escortkadıköy escortpendik escortkartal escortümraniye escortgöztepe escorttuzla escortmaltepe escortkurtköy escortmaltepe escortkurtköy escort bayankartal escort bayananadolu yakası escortpendik escort bayanpendik escortkurtköy escortkurtköy escorttuzla escortpendik escortmaltepe escortkartal escortanadolu yakası escortAnadolu Yakası Escortanadolu yakası escortmaltepe escortpendik escortanadolu yakası escortgöztepe escortkartal escortkurtköy escortkadıköy escortanadolu yakası escortümraniye escortbostancı escortataşehir escortmarlboro ice bluebostancı escortkurtköy escortkartal escortümraniye escortmaltepe escortpendik escortanadolu yakası escortanadolu yakası escortmaltepe escorttuzla escortanadolu yakası escortAtaşehir Escortanadolu yakası escortataşehir escortkadıköy escortAvcılar EscortArnavutköy EscortAtaköy Escortataşehir escortZeytinburnu EscortYeşilköy EscortSuadiye EscortTaksim EscortŞişman EscortTopkapı EscortYenibosna EscortÜmraniye EscortÜsküdar EscortSınırsız EscortŞişli EscortSilivri EscortŞirinevler Escortseks hikayeleriadana escortadana escortadana escortadana escortafyon escortafyon escortafyon escortafyon escortağrı escortseks hikayeleriağrı escortalanya escortalanya escortalanya escortalanya escortalanya escortalanya escortantalya escortantalya escortalanya escortalanya escortantep escortantalya escortartvin escortartvin escortantep escortartvin escortaydın escortseks hikayeleriartvin escortantalya escortkonya escortbalıkesir escortmersin escortaydın escortartvin escortordu escortbeylikdüzü escortbolu escortbeylikdüzü escortrize escortbodrum escortbeylikdüzü escortbolu escortbodrum escortbolu escortbeylikdüzü escortburdur escortburdur escortçanakkale escortburdur escortbodrum escortbodrum escortbursa escortbursa escortçanakkale escortbursa escortbolu escortçanakkale escortçanakkale escortçanakkale escortçanakkale escortçeşme escortçanakkale escortçeşme escortcanakkale escortçeşme escortçeşme escortçorum escortdenizli escortçorum escortyozgat escortdenizli escortdidim escortdidim escortdidim escortyalova escortdiyarbakır escorturfa escorttunceli escortuşak escorttrabzon escortdidim escortvan escortsivas escortdiyarbakır escortdiyarbakır escortzonguldak escortdüzce escorttokat escorttekirdağ escortşırnak escortdüzce escortedirne escortsinop escortdüzce escortedirne escortsiirt escortedirne escortsamsun escortedirne escortsakarya escortelazığ escortrize escortedirne escortosmaniye escortelazığ escortordu escortelazığ escortmuş escortelazığ escortniğde escortelazığ escortnevşehir escortelazığ escorterzincan escorterzincan escorterzincan escortmuğla escortmersin escortmaraş escorterzincan escortmardin escorterzurum escorterzincan escorterzurum escortmanisa escortkonya escorterzurum escortmalatya escorteskişehir escorterzurum escortkütahya escortkocaeli escorterzurum escortkırıkkale escorrtağrı escortkırklareli escortadana escortkırşehir escortafyon escortantalya escortantep escortantalya escortkilis escortkayseri escortkıbrıs escortkastamonu escortbalıkesir escortaydın escortadana escortartvin escortafyon escortantalya escortbeylikdüzü escortbalıkesir escortbodrum escortbodrum escortbolu escortgiresun escortgiresun escortkaraman escortkarabük escortkars escortizmit escortısparta escortistanbul escortizmir escortgiresun escortsex hikayelerigümüşhane escortığdır escorthakkari escorthatay escortgümüşhane escorthatay escorthatay escortgümüşhane escorthatay escortgümüşhane escortsex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayelerisex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayesisex hikayesiısparta escortısparta escortısparta escortısparta escortmalatya escortsex hikayesiVhosts Bypass shellwebadmin.php shellk2ll33d shellhtml kod şifrelemeistanbul escortkurtköy escortşişli escortmecidiyeköy escortistanbul escortbodrum escortbodrum escortkurtköy escortpendik escortbeşiktaş escortesenyurt escortbeylikdüzü escortcevizlibağ escorteminönü escortçağlayan escortbeyoğlu escortbayrampaşa escortavrupa yakası escortbomonti escortflorya escortbebek escortesenler escortbodrum escortantalya escortankara escortbeylikdüzü escortantalya escortistanbul escortadana escortdedektiftravestibodrum escortescort bodrumbodrum escortadana escortafyon escortadıyaman escortağrı escortantalya escortaydın escortamasya escortbartın escortankara escortbatman escortardahan escortaksaray escortbalıkesir escortartvin escortbilecik escortbayburt escortbingöl escortbitlis escortçankırı escortedirne escortdenizli escortçanakkale escortelazığ escortdiyarbakır escortburdur escortbolu escortdüzce escorterzurum escortçorum escortbursa escorterzincan escorteskişehir escortgaziantep escorthakkari escortizmir escortgümüşhane escortkars escortistanbul escortgebze escortkırıkkale escortgiresun escortkilis escortkastamonu escortığdır escorthatay escortısparta escortkırklareli escortkarabük escortkıbrıs escortkaraman escortkayseri escortkırşehir escortmersin escortkocaeli escortmuş escortsamsun escortmuğla escortsiirt escortnevşehir escortordu escortkütahya escortmanisa escortmalatya escortniğde escortosmaniye escortsinop escortmaraş escortmardin escortrize escortkonya escortsakarya escortşırnak escortsivas escorttokat escortvan escortyalova escortyozgat escortalanya escorttekirdağ escorturfa escortdidim escortzonguldak escortuşak escorttunceli escorttrabzon escortkuşadası escortfethiye escortmanavgat escortçankaya escortselçuklu escortyenimahalle escorttorbalı escortetimesgut escortküçükçekmece escortkeçiören escortşahinbey escortbahçelievler escortosmangazi escortbaşakşehir escortyalıkavak escortuludağ escorttorba escorttarsus escorttürkbükü escortside escortsöke escortsilifke escortselimiye escortserdivan escortşile escortseferihisar escortselçuk escortşarköy escortsarıgerme escortsapanca escortreyhanlı escortortaca escortodunpazarı escortölüdeniz escortmudanya escortmilas escortmenemen escortmenderes escortmarmaris escortmanavgat escortlüleburgaz escortlara escortmalkara escortlapseki escortkuşadası escortkumluca escortkundu escortköyceğiz escortkonyaaltı escortkumla escortkonak escortkırıkhan escortkaş escortkemer escortkeşan escortkartepe escortkarasu escortkapadokya escortislahiye escortkaraburun escortiskenderun escortinegöl escortiğneada escortgüvercinlik escortgümbet escortiçmeler escortgüllük escortgöynük escortGörükle EscortGölcük Escortgöcek escortgelibolu escortfinike escortgazipaşa escortfethiye escorteryaman escorterdemli escortezine escortenez escortedremit escorterdek escortdörtyol escortdidim escortdikili escortdatça escortdemre escortdalyan escortşehitkamil escortbağcılar escortsultangazi escortsincan escortpendik escortmaltepe escortümraniye escortavcılar escortbergama escortesenler escortantakya escortkartal escortbornova escortkarşıyaka escortiskenderun escortizmit escortbeylikdüzü escortataşehir escortgaziemir escortnarlıdere escortarnavutköy escorttuzla escortüsküdar escortesenyurt escortnazilli escortmarmaris escortbeşiktaş escortsancaktepe escortbeyoğlu escortbeykoz escortşişli escortsarıyer escortzeytinburnu escortgaziosmanpaşa escortkağıthane escortçekmeköy escortfatih escortbayrampaşa escortkonak escortbuca escortbodrum escortalsancak escortantalya escortadıyaman escortadana escortdiyarbakır escorterzurum escortaksaray escortbitlis escortkadıköy escortbalıkesir escortbatman escortçeşme escortafyon escortburdur escorthatay escortmuğla escortkastamonu escortgiresun escortgebze escortbursa escortkonya escortmalatya escortniğde escortkilis escortısparta escortsakarya escortkarabük escortedirne escortgaziantep escorteskişehir escortkütahya escortordu escortsamsun escorttokat escortmersin escortsiirt escortsincan escorttekirdağ escortosmaniye escortmardin escorturfa escortmaraş escortuşak escortmanisa escortvan escortescortyalova escortturgutreis escortyozgat escortzonguldak escortkaraman escortadana escortadıyaman escortafyon escortağrı escortaksaray escortamasra escortamasya escortankara escortantalya escortardahan escortartvin escortaydın escortbalıkesir escortbartın escortbatman escortbayburt escortbilecik escortbitlis escortbolu escortbursa escortburdur escortbingöl escorteskişehir escortkırkareli escortçanakkale escortçankırı escortçorum escortdenizli escortdiyarbakır escortdüzce escortedirne escortelazığ escorterzincan escorterzurum escortgaziantep escortgiresun escortgümüşhane escorthakkari escortistanbul escortzonguldak escortyalova escortvan escortuşak escortşanlıurfa escorttunceli escorttrabzon escorttokat escorttekirdağ escortşırnak escortsivas escortsinop escortsiirt escortsamsun escortsakarya escortrize escortosmaniye escortordu escortniğde escortnevşehir escortmuş escortmuğla escortmersin escortmardin escortmanisa escortmalatya escortkütahya escortkonya escortkocaeli escortkilis escortkırşehir escortkırıkkale escortkıbrıs escortkayseri escortkastamonu escortkars escortkaraman escortkarabük escortkahramanmaraş escortizmir escortistanbul escortısparta escortığdır escorthatay escortsultangazi escortsancaktepe escortçekmeköy escortküçükçekmece escortbağcılar escortadalar escortanadolu yakası escortarnavutköy escortataşehir escortavcılar escortavrupa yakası escortbahçelievler escortbakırköy escortbaşakşehir escortbayramapaşa escortbayramapaşa escortbeşiktaş escortbeykoz escortbeylikdüzü escortbeyoğlu escortbüyükçekmece escortçatalca escortesenler escortesenyurt escorteyüpsultan escortfatih escortgaziosmanpaşa escortgüngören escortkadıköy escortkağıthane escortkartal escortmaltepe escortpendik escortsarıyer escortsultanbeyli escortşile escortşişli escorttuzla escortümraniye escortüsküdar escortzeytinburnu escortsilivri escortadana escortafyon escortağrı escortantakya escortaydın escortbatman escortbingöl escortbitlis escortbilecik escortbursa escorteskişehir escortantep escortgiresun escorthakkari escortkarabük escortkilis escortkırşehir escortkonya escortmardin escortmuş escortnevşehir escortordu escortosmaniye escortrize escorturfa escortsivas escortuşak escortyalova escorterzurum escortadıyaman escortdenizli escortçorum escortkütahya escortadıyaman escortaydın escortbalıkesir escorterzurum escorthatay escortmanisa escortsincan escortsivas escortyozgat escortçanakkale escortPendik EscortMerter EscortOlgun EscortOrtaköy EscortNişantaşı EscortMaslak EscortMahmutbey EscortMecidiyeköy EscortMaltepe EscortLevent EscortKurtköy EscortKüçükyalı EscortKüçükçekmece EscortKartal Escortvan escortgebze escortalanya escortaksaray escortankara escortantakya escortantalya escortgaziantep escortatakum escortbodrum escortbuca escortçankaya escortçeşme escortçorlu escortdenizli escortelazığ escorteskişehir escortizmit escortkayseri escortkeçiören escortkocasinan escortkonya escortkuşadası escortmalatya escortmarmaris escortmersin escortmuğla escortnilüfer escortosmangazi escortrize escortsamsun escortşanlıurfa escortşehitkamil escortselçuklu escortizmir escorttekirdağ escorttrabzon escortyüreğir escortadana escortadıyaman escortafyon escortağrı escortaksaray escortamasya escortankara escortantalya escortardahan escortartvin escortaydın escortbalıkesir escortbartın escortbatman escortbayburt escortbilecik escortbingöl escortbitlis escortbolu escortburdur escortbursa escortçanakkale escortçankırı escortçorum escortdenizli escortdiyarbakır escortdüzce escortedirne escortelazığ escorterzincan escorterzurum escorteskişehir escortgaziantep escortgiresun escortgümüşhane escorthakkari escorthatay escortığdır escortısparta escortistanbul escortizmir escortkarabük escortkaraman escortkars escortkastamonu escortkayseri escortkilis escortkırıkkale escortkırklareli escortkırşehir escortkocaeli escortkonya escortkütahya escortmalatya escortmanisa escortmaraş escortmardin escortmersin escortmuğla escortmuş escortnevşehir escortniğde escortordu escortosmaniye escortrize escortsakarya escortsamsun escortsiirt escortsinop escortsivas escortşırnak escorttekirdağ escorttokat escorttrabzon escorttunceli escorturfa escortuşak escortvan escortyalova escortyozgat escortzonguldak escortnilüfer escorthatay escortdiyarbakır escortvan escorttokat escortmanisa escortkayseri escortgebze escortankara escortşahinbey escortbursa escortvan escortbolu escortburdur escortafyon escorttekirdağ escortkaraman escortbilecik escortsinop escortkırklareli escortkocaeli escortkocaeli escortamasya escortçankırı escortkastamonu escortkilis escorttunceli escortkayseri escortfulya escortmuş escortsakarya escortfındıkzade escortbayburt escortbolu escortgümüşhane escortuşak escorthalkalı escortbingöl escortsiirt escortkırşehir escortmaraş escortniğde escortdiyarbakır escortgebze escortosmaniye escorterzincan escortkarabük escortısparta escortşırnak escorthakkari escortkıbrıs escortistanbul escortbatman escortgüngören escorttokat escortgiresun escortkars escortedirne escortdüzce escortadana escorteyüp escortağrı escortardahan escortbartın escortbitlis escortçorum escortdenizli escortfikirtepe escortkırıkkale escortmardin escortığdır escortnevşehir escortordu escortferiköy escortgöztepe escortyalova escortyozgat escortzonguldak escort Escortaksaray escortadıyaman escortaliağa escortalanya escortarsuz escortamasya escortfirüzköy escortanamur escortantalya escortardahan escortartvin escortaydın escortbalçova escortbalıkesir escortfanerbahçe escortbandırma escortbitlis escortbayburt escortbolu escortçankırı escortçanakkale escortburdur escortçarşamba escortbeldibi escortcihanbeyli escortfatih escortesentepe escortetiler escortdidim escortelazığ escortereğli escorterzurum escortereğli escortesenyalı escorterzin escortgebze escortgemlik escortgölbaşı escortgümüşhane escorthatay escortısparta escortizmir escortedirnekapi escortkaş escortkarabük escortkaraman escortkayseri escortkastamonu escortdudullu escorterenköy escortdavutpaşa escorthalıcıoğlu escorthaliç escortgüzelyurt escortgöktürk escortgürpınar escortgüneşli escortçubuklu escortgültepe escortçırpıcı escortcihangir escortcevizli escortçengelköy escortçekmeköy escortçavuşbaşı escortçapa escortçamlıca escortçakmak escortcaddebostan escortbüyükçekmece escortbeylerbeyi escortbulgurlu escortbeykoz escortbeyazıt escortbatışehir escortbaşakşehir escortbostancı escortbalmumcu escortbalat escortbahçelievler escortbakırköy escortbahçeşehir escortavcılar escortbağlarbaşı escortataşehir escortbağcılar escortateştuğla escortatalar escortataköy escortataakent escortarnavutköy escortaltunizade escortalibeyköy escortaksaray escortağva escortacıbadem escortKağıthane Escortİkitelli EscortFatih Escortkadıköy escortEtiler EscortErenköy EscortGöztepe EscortHaramidere EscortKadıköy EscortÇağlayan EscortGenç EscortBüyükçekmece EscortHalkalı EscortFındıkzade EscortEscort Numaralarıİstanbul EscortFlorya EscortÇapa Escortçorum escortçankırı escortçanakkale escortbursa escortdenizli escortdiyarbakır escortelazığ escortedirne escortdüzce escortburdur escortgiresun escorteskişehir escorterzincan escortbolu escortbitli escortbingöl escorterzurum escortbilecik escortbayburt escortbatman escortbartın escortaydın escortbalıkesir escortartvin escortardahan escortantalya escortantep escortankara escortankara escortaksaray escortamasya escortağrı escortafyon escortadıyaman escortsex hikayeleriteknoloji haberlerigüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberleradana escortgüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlerpendik escortkurtköy escortbakirkoy escortbesiktas escorttaksim escortcaglayan escortcevizlibag escortkurtkoy escortgungoren escortbahcelievler escorteminonu escortescort istanbulbomonti escortbeyoglu escortbeykoz escortbeyazit escortatasehir escortbebek escortbayrampasa escortbasaksehir escortbalmumcu escortbahcesehir escortbahcelievler escortbahcekoy escortbahariye escortatasehir escortatakent escortarnavutkoy escortalibeykoy escortanal escortacibadem escortadalar escortadapazari escortpendik escortalibeykoy escortaltinsehir escortEsenyurt EscortEscort Bayanlarçekmeköy escortElit EscortÇıtır Escortşerifali escortsuadiye escortüsküdar escortCihangir Escortgöztepe escortbostancı escortCevizli EscortBostancı Escortgöztepe escortbostancı escorterenköy escortBeyoğlu EscortCennet Mahallesi Escortümraniye escortbodrum escortbiotin fiyatsaç vitaminilifta 5 mg 28 tablet en ucuz fiyatlifta 5 mg 28 tablet eczane fiyatıcialis 5 mg 28 tablet fiyatlifta 5 mg 28 tablet fiyatlifta 5 mg fiyatcialis 5 mg fiyatlifta 20 mg fiyatpriligy fiyateczanelerde satılan sertleştiricilerpriligy 30 mg fiyatıcialis 20 mg kullanıcı yorumlarıgeciktirici hap eczanegeciktirici sprey eczanelifta 20 mg yorumlarlifta 5 mg 28 tablet kullanıcı yorumlarıcialis kullananlardapoksetin fiyatılifta 5 mg 28 tablet fiyatorcafilflynta 20 mgcombo 100 mgsildegravigrandejeligrasinegralifta 5 mglifta 20 mgdegraviagra 100 mgviagra fiyatıviagra nedirviagra siparişcinsel hastalıklarcialis jelcialis 20 mg eczane fiyatıcialis 5 mg 28 tablet fiyatcialis 100 mgcialis 20 mgcialis satışgüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlerkadın haberlerigüncel haberlergüncel haberlerguncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlerspor haberlerikadın haberleriyemek tarifleriteknoloji haberleriyemek tarifleriyemek tarifleriteknoloji haberleriteknoloji haberleriteknoloji haberleriteknoloji haberleriteknoloji haberlerifutbol haberlerispor haberlerikadın haberlerispor haberleriekonomi haberleriekomomi haberleriekonomi haberlerispor haberlerispor haberlerisağlık haberlerisağlık haberlerikadın haberlerikadın haberlerikadın haberlerikadın haberlerikadın haberleriigüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlerteknoloji haberlerigüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlergüncel haberlerekonomi haberleriekonomi haberleriekonomi haberlerigüncel haberleroyun haberlerioyun haberlerispor haberleriavrupa yakası escortsuadiye escortanadolu yakası escortBeylikdüzü EscortBeşiktaş Escortanadolu yakası escortBayrampaşa EscortBaşakşehir Escortümraniye escortatalar escortBakırköy EscortBağcılar EscortAnadolu Yakası Escortataşehir escortbostancı escortümraniye escortBahçelievler EscortAvrupa Yakası Escortbostancı escortkadıköy escortmaltepe escortcevizli escortkartal escortBağdat Caddesi Escortkurtköy escortÜmraniye EscortSilivri EscortTaksim EscortSarıyer EscortZeytinburnu EscortSultangazi EscortÜsküdar EscortAcıbadem EscortSuadiye EscortTopkapı EscortYakacık EscortTuzla EscortSancaktepe EscortŞirinevler Escortpendik escortmaltepe escortAvcılar Escortataşehir escortPendik EscortMerter EscortGöztepe EscortAksaray EscortMecidiyeköy EscortŞişli Escortaydınlı escortanadolu yakası escortKartal EscortBüyükçekmece Escortkadıköy escortAtalar EscortAtaşehir EscortAtaköy EscortMaltepe Escortİstanbul Escortİkitelli Escortümraniye escortKadıköy EscortHalkalı EscortGüngören EscortKurtköy Escortİçerenköy Escortistanbul escortmalatya escortelazığ escortantalya escortadana escortbursa escortbatman escortantep escortkocaeli escortdiyarbakır escortkayseri escortanadolu yakası escortmutlukent escortEsenyurt Escortgebze escortEsenler EscortGebze EscortCennet Mahallesi Escorttuzla escorthatay escortEtiler Escortsamsun escortankara escortdenizli escortkonya escort bayansakarya escorteskişehir escortizmir escorterzurum escortkuşadası escortadana escortağrı escortmaraş escortosmaniye escortkaraman escortbayburt escortkarabük escortkars escortbingöl escortsiirt escortniğde escorttunceli escortkastamonu escortaksaray escortyalova escortmuş escortamasya escortnevşehir escortvan escortuşak escortbatman escorttekirdağ escortbitlis escortdüzce escortadapazarı escortbolu escortsakarya escortçanakkale escortısparta escorttrabzon escortamasya escortyalova escortkarşiyaka escorttekirdağ escortkırklareli escortkırıkkale escortsinop escortgaziemir escortçankırı escortkırsehir escortkuşadası escortkaraman escortartvin escortkarabük escortkastamonu escortrize escortyozgat escortgiresun escortniğde escorterzurum escortçorum escortordu escortelazığ escortmaraş escortaydın escortmardin escortvan escorturfa escortaksaray escortburdur escortçeşme escortelazığ escortkütahya escortardahan escortmardin escortedirne escortçankırı escortrize escorterzincan escortordu escortburgaz escortçorum escortığdır escortçorlu escorthatay escorteskişehir escortbursa escortaydın escortçanakkale escortdenizli escortkonya escortbilecik escortizmit escortalanya escortyozgat escortburdur escortkütahya escortuşak escorttrabzon escorthatay escortkıbrıs escortbalıkesir escortmuğla escortalanya escortmutlu son masajÇatalca Escortanadolu yakası escortbodrum escortbartın escorttokat escortkırıkkale escorturfa escortzonguldak escortsinop escortvan escortmaltepe escorttrabzon escortyozgat escortkurtköy escort bayanBeylikdüzü Escortpendik escortBostancı EscortBayrampaşa Escortcorum escortBakırköy Escortkütahya escorttekirdağ escortBeykoz Escorturfa escortaydın escortpendik escort bayanmanisa escortbostancı escortçanakkale escortmardin escortyalova escortgiresun escortosmaniye escortkurtköy escortbalıkesir escortafyon escortmuğla escortedirne escorterzurum escortmanisa escorttokat escortkuşadası escortantalya escortfethiye escortmarmaris escortordu escortbodrum escortçeşme escortkarabağlar escortbornova escortkarşıyaka escortalsancak escortdidim escortayvalık escortmaraş escortsivas escortgiresun escortkartal escort bayanyakacık escortBahçeşehir Escortepoksikartal escortBahçelievler Escortkadıköy escortAvrupa Yakası Escortmilano sigaracaptain black sigara fiyatgaziemir escortkonak escortbuca escortankara escortescort ankaraçankaya escortadana escortkamagra jel fiyatkamagra nedirkamagrakamagra hapKurtköy EscortEscort KurtköyKurtkoy Escort BayanKurtkoy Escortcaptain blackcialisparliament night blueşişli escortmecidiyeköy escortmarvel sigaraspor haberlerizonguldak escortzonguldak escortzonguldak escortsex hikayeleriyozgat escortmalatya escortkars escortdenizli escortmanisa escortmersin escorttokat ecsortbeylikdüzü escortbodrum escortbolu escortburdur escortburdur escortbursa escortbursam escortçeşme escortçorum escortdidim escortdiyarbakır escortdiyarbakır escorttekirdağ escorterzincan escorterzurum escorteskişehir escorteskişehir escortgiresun escortgiresun escorthatay escortısparta escortkastamonu escortkayseri escortkonya escortkuşadası escortkütahya escortmalatya escortmaraş escortmersin escortordu escortrize escortsamsun escortsivas escorttekirdağ escorttrabzon escortvan escortyalova escortyozgat escortzonguldak escortzonguldak escortsex hikayelerisex hikayelerisex 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escortbahcelievler escortizmir escorteskişehir escortantalya escortankara escortmersin escortizmir escortantalya escortankara escortfethiye escortselçuk escortaliağa escortkamagra jelmersin escortkocaeli escortmecidiyeköy escorthalkali escortbeşiktaş escortnişantaşı escortsefaköy escortr57 shellc99 shellgaziantep escort1xet girişsohbet numaralarıwso shellpendik escortkartal escorttuzla escortşişli escortçınarcık escortyalova escorthacklinkataşehir escortatasehir escortçağlayan escortmersin escortpendik escortkartal escorttuzla escortmaltepe escortbostancı escortkurtköy escortpendik escort bayanescort kartalkurtkoy eskortpendik escort bayankartal escort bayanmaltepe escort bayanataşehir escortescort tuzlapendik escortkurtköy escortkartal eskortmaltepe eskortataşehir eskorttuzla eskortpendik eskortkurtkoy eskortescort bayaneskort kartaleskort tuzlaeskort maltepekurtköy eskortmarlboro touch bluecaptain blackwinston sigaramarlboro double fusionSobranie sigaradjarum blackParliament sigaraMarlboro shuffleDunhill SigaraSenator sigaraEsse Sigara520 Kalpli SigaraKent SigaraHarvest sigaraMarlboro Double Fusion Summer KarpuzDavidoff SigaraMarvel sigaraCavallo SigaraMarlboro Edge SlimColts SigaraLucky StrikeMarlboro Goldmarlboro redmarlboro touchmarlboro touch grimarlboro touch aquaCaptain Black Switch520 SigaraDavidoff Magnum ClassicDjarum Black Menthol SigaraCavallo Sync MentollüDunhill Red SigaraWinston Slender BlueKent Switch Slenderharvest sigaraal capone sigaraparliament reservemarlboro redcaptain black classiccaptain black mentholviceroy sigaracaptain black vişnesenator pipe sigaraWinston Shiny Mixome sigararothmans sigaraviceroy sigaratekel 2001camel sigaraucuz sigarabeşiktaş escortkent switch fiyatfree shopmarlboro double fusiondjarum blackcaptain blackcaptain black sigarawinston dark blue fiyatKent Mix Aroma Sigara Mentol ve Böğürtlenparliament night blueMarlboro Touch GrayKent SwitchWinston SlenderCamel Whitekent switchMarlboro Touch Aquamarlboro shuffleParliament Aqua BlueMarlboro TouchKENT D RANGE BLUEAbsinthementollü sigaraLucky strikefree shop sigarafree shop alkolkalpli sigarakalpli sigaravotka fiyatlarıharvest sigaramarvel sigarakent d range bluedunhill sigarakent slim blackwso shellSeksiyonel kapıBeylikdüzü EscortŞirinevler Escortescort bayanescorttiktokturkiye.net